Sold as 55lb bags
100% Natural Organic Product
Absorbs & Holds Pet Urine Odours
Cools Synthetic Turf by up to 30%
Typical Application Rate is 2 lbs/sqft
Infill is used between grass blades for lawns that aren’t real or artificial. Infill is spread down into the turf fibers to help the blades of grassstand up. It also protects the grass backing from ultraviolet rays which could eventually cause damage and void warranties.
For years there has been a struggle for pet owners to decide if artificial grass is beneficial for their dog. Since majority of dogs have accepted fake grass as their bathroom, their owners had to water down and flush out the urine bacteria from the turf. Many turf manufacturers have made antimicrobial pet turf to resist the bacterial ammonia from adhering to the turf fibers. Silica sand would hold ammonia urine resulting in a great deal of smell.
Zeolite is made out of a 100% natural resource from the earth. It is different than any other infill because Zeolite is a negatively charged honey-combed molecular structure which absorbs the urine like a magnet and prevents the ammonia from forming a gas which is the main cause of smell. Zeolite Infill will pull any gases towards itself and hold it until sodium ion (Na+) in rain water releases the magnetivity and the force of heavy rainfall will flush out the bacteria, forcing it through the turf into the ground making your turf virtually new again. The sodium forces the calcium ions out and recharges the Zeolite when dry.
Zeolite helps control the urine odours but will not remove bad bacteria. With any synthetic turf, you still have to maintain it by removing bad bacteria with an enzyme cleaner such as URI-CIDE. Use this enzyme if your area doesn’t rain periodically in a given year. We recommend this enzyme cleaner because it is made & shipped in a live liquid form. Enzymes made from a powder will not properly clean Zeolite granules. Only a live liquid enzyme such as URI-CIDE will control your turf odors. URI-CIDE covers 1500 to 1800 square foot of turf, comes with a garden hose attachment and the enzyme has a shelf life of 30 years.
Companies will not tell you if their product is made from a powder before bottling. The only way to tell if their enzyme
is made with a powder is the bottom of the bottle will show granular residue after it has been sitting a while.
Zeolite has been approved by leading manufacturers in the US to be used as an infill due to the purity, Mohs hardness and most of all it doesn’t contain quartz or crystalline free silica. Zeolite recommends it is best to be installed on top of the grass inside the turf fibers to help control the odors but installers who use a non-infill product prefer to use Zeolite under the turf which is not as effective and voids any warranty with Zeolite.